Dr. Dieter Reinhardt



Department of Political Science, 
South Asia Institute, Heidelberg University
Voßstr. 2, Building 4130
D-69115 Heidelberg, Germany

     Room: 12, 3rd floor
     Tel.: +49 (0)6221-54-15212


     Office Hours:
Upon arrangement.

Please send an email beforehand for an appointment

     Website: https://www.dieter-reinhardt.de/



Short Bio-data

Dr. Dieter Reinhardt teaches the course "Indo-German Relations. History and Perspectives". Dr. Reinhardt is interested in global governance in the context of UN missions, new forms of regionalization in South Asia, Sino-Indian relations, migration and the Bangladesh diaspora, water governance, prevention of humanitarian disasters, and the foreign policy of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Research Interests

Global governance in the context of UN missions

New forms of regionalization in South Asia

Sino-Indian relations

Migration and the Bangladesh diaspora

Water Governance

Prevention of Humanitarian Disasters

Foreign Policy of the Federal Republic of Germany



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Letzte Änderung: 02.02.2023
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