South Asia Monitor
Professor Rahul Mukherji published an article about "The Tragedy of South Asia: Travels through India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal," in which he shares impressions of his last trip to South Asia and the current state of democracy in different South Asian countries. Read the article here.
The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
In the Podcast für Deutschland by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Professor Rahul Mukherji is in conversation with Ms. Sandra Klüber to discuss, among other things- the idea of India, the evolution of India in global governance, and the current situation of India’s democracy. This podcast is the third episode in the theme of Machtprobe, and it is titled ‘Indiens Herausforderung’. Listen to this podcast here.
The Hindu
Prof. Rahul Mukherji published an article on "Words of wisdom for the Congress’s ‘last Mughals’" in The Hindu. Read this article here.
The Hindu
Prof. Rahul Mukherji published an article on “Seeking to destroy India’s civil society,” in The Hindu. Read this article here.
The Wire
Prof. Rahul Mukherji has published an article on “'The Kashmir Files' Denounces the Vedic Ideal 'Sarva Dharma Sama Bhava'” in the Wire. Read this article here.
The Wire
Prof. Rahul Mukherji has published an article on “India’s History Holds the Answer to Its Democratic Future” in the Wire. Read this article here.
India in Transition
Dr. Himanshu Jha has published an article on “Capturing Institutional Change: Bringing Back Ideas and the State” in the current issue of India in Transition (IiT) by the Center for the Advanced Study of India (CASI) of the University of Pennsylvania. Read this article here.
Prof. Pralay Kanungo has authored a book review on Jugalbandi: The BJP Before Modi by Vinay Sitapat. Access this review article here.
The Newsplatform
Prof. Rahul Mukherji's article on "Fallacies About Indian Democracy: Majoritarianism & Tradition" highlights the political crisis in India today. It stresses to revisit the idea of India. Will India become a Hindu nationalist state? Or, will it draw from an Indian tradition and work towards co-existence and mutual learnings from diverse religious and spiritual traditions. Access the article here.
The Wire
Prof. Pralay Kanungo’s article on "'Ephemeral vs Eternal’: Modi's Comments Cross the Belur Math's Laxman Rekha" was published in the Wire. This article discusses Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent speech at Ramakrishna Paramahansa’s Belur Math in West Bengal especially in the context of Math’s apparent discomfort to the speech. Access the article here:
Meine Welt
Prof. Rahul Mukherji's article on "The monk who shaped India’s secularism" , which originally published in the Hindu, was translated and published by Meine Welt (A german Magazine) . This article explores an important question : 'What is the kind of nationalism that one can associate with Hindu tradition?' See the article here.
The Business Standard
Prof. Rahul Mukherji was recently interviewed in the Business Standard on the contemporary political and economic issues in India . Aditi Phadnis, a leading political writer took the interview. See the interview here.
The Firstpost
Prof. Rahul Mukherji and Ronja Gottschling have co-authored an article on "Will India's economic downturn spur course correction, or will Hindu nationalism enable the decline to perpetuate itself?" in the Firstpost. In this article the authors argue that Hindutva can become more dangerous with a declining economy. Access the article here.
The International Institute for Asian Studies (IISA, Leiden) Newsletter 84 Autumn 2019
Prof. Pralay Kanungo’s article "Identities in the transnational lifeworld. Individual, community and nation" was published in the International Institute for Asian Studies (IISA, Leiden) Newsletter 84 Autumn 2019. This article highlights the transnational lifeworld and its implication on the Indian diaspora.
Access the article here.
The Hindu
Prof. Rahul Mukherji's article from August 21, 2019: In the article titled "The monk who shaped India’s secularism", Prof. Mukherji discusses the question 'What is the kind of nationalism that one can associate with Hindu tradition?'
The article can be read here.
Foreign Policy
The article "India Faces a Looming Disaster" by Prof. Sumit Ganguly and Jai Shankar Prasad was published on July 27, 2019. In the article, Prof. Ganguly and Mr. Prasad argue that Narendra Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party is an election-winning machine; but that its ideology is sharply at odds with economic or social common sense.
The article can be read here.
A joint article by Prof. Rahul Mukherji, Prof. Sumit Ganguly and Dr.Himanshu Jha titled "The Modi Mystery" was published on May 25, 2019. In the article, the authors argue that while poor economic performance should have hurt the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the polls, appeals to nationalism won him the vote.
The article can be read here.
The Wire
The article "Analysing the Modi Years – Credit and Criticism" by Prof. Rahul Mukherji, Dr. Seyed Hossein Zarhani, Jai Shankar Prasad and A.S.M. Mostafizur Rahman was published on April 18, 2019. In the article, the authors argue that Narendra Modi's relatively few successes built substantially upon decades of policy experimentation.
The article can be read here.
First Post
The article "Modi's good governance agenda needs a relook" by Prof. Rahul Mukherji and Tanvi Deshpande was published in March 2019. In the article, Prof. Mukherji and Ms. Deshpande argue that while Modi began his tenure with a good governance agenda, governance has hardly benefited the common citizen.
The article can be read here.
The Diplomat
The article "India and the NPT After 50 Years: A look back at India’s decision to reject the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1968" by Sumit Ganguly and Jayita Sarkar was published on June 22, 2018. This article look back at India’s decision to reject the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty in 1968 the authors cerebrate the 50 years of Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty and go back to reflect on India's decision to reject the Treaty.
The article is available here.
India Today
Sumit Ganguly on 'A meeting of minds?' points to the recent meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that created controversy at the international level even before it has taken place. The author reflexes on the statements of the summit in Singapore that has taken place on June 12. This article published on June 15, 2018.
The article is available here.