Mark de Kreij

- Invited lectures -

December 2013

“Genavensis Gr. 44. Une comparaison linguistique entre l’Iliade et la paraphrase.”

Université de Lausanne

November 2013

“Der neue Origenes im Codex Mon. Graec. 314: Beobachtungen zum Manuscript.”

Internationaler Studientag Origenes, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

December 2012

“Particles in Narrative. Interfaces of Epic and Lyric Language.”

Ancient Greek Particles Across Genres, Università di Bologna

February 2011

“Winged Words. Material and immaterial aspects of ancient Greek texts.”

Queens College, City University New York


- Conference papers -

July 2013

“Mobility of the Mind’s Eye. Observations on left-dislocation in oral and quasi-oral complex narrative.”

Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA) Conference, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg

April 2013

“Planning Ahead. Fronted referents, narrative transitions, and cognitive processing in Homer.”

Cognition and Poetics Conference, Universität Osnabrück

January 2013

“Navigating the Storyworld. Visual and contextual framing in the Iliad and the Odyssey.”

Oral Poetics and Cognitive Science, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies

September 2012

“Pindaric Particularities. Questions on the presence and absence of particles in Pindar's odes.”

Celtic Conference in Classics, Université de Bordeaux III

May 2012

“Detailing Patroclus' Final Moments. Particles and Reference in Iliad 16.394-863.”

Ricerche a Confronto meeting, Università degli Studi Roma Tre

April 2011

“The Catalogue of Ships and Ibycus’ Ode to Polycrates: μέν as a marker of narrative steps.”

Classical Association conference, Durham University

October 2010

“Retracing our steps. Divergent forms of Sappho’s songs reconsidered.”

Text – Transmission – Reception conference, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


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