In the frame of the German-Brazilian Year of Science, Technology and Innovation 2010/11, two workshops and one Brazilian delegation visit are organized by Prof. Dr. Ulrich A. Glasmacher (University Heidelberg), Prof. Dr. Peter C. Hackspacher (Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro), Dr. Bertram Heinze (DWIH, Sao Paulo) and Dr. Ute Münch (GEOTECHNOLOGIEN) focusing on “Opportunities in Geosciences and Geotechnology” between both countries. The two workshops and the delegation visit is partly financed by the International Bureau of the BMBF.
The objective of the two workshops and the delegation visit is the outline of joined research topics for future activities and research cooperation’s between Brazilian and German scientist in different research fields like »Marine Geosciences and Geotechnology«, »Geophysics and Geodesy«, and »Scientific Drilling«.
Renowned scientist and representatives from the industry will join and discuss these topics, the possibilities for cooperation and the need for further joint research.
The proposed two workshops and the visiting tour will provide the platform to gather experts from both countries to discuss joint research projects including joint development of marine technologies. The results will be summarized in a »white paper«. Combining scientific researchers with representatives from the industry supplying marine technologies will have a direct and lasting impact on the near future of joint scientific research.
31. 03. 2011
- 08.30 h Coffee and joined meeting
- 09.00 h Welcome remarks
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Eitel, Rector of the University Heidelberg
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stinnesbeck: Organizer of the Latin America Colloquium in Heidelberg and vice director of the Institute of Earth Sciences
- Representative of the Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP)
- 09.30 h Prof. Dr. Bernhard Heck (KIT, Germany): Status and perspectives of joint German-Brasilian research in Geodesy
- 10.00 h Dipl.-Geol. Andreas Küppers (GFZ, Germany): GFZ and Geodata-management
- 10.30 h Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Leonhard Weixler (BAUER Maschinen GmbH): Deep Sea Exploration - New Technologies
- 11.00 h coffee break
- 11.15 h Prof. Dr. Peter C. Hackspacher (UNESP, Brazil): Information related to the outcome of the visiting tour to German Institutes of Marine Sciences
- 11.30 h Prof. Dr. Ulrich A. Glasmacher (University Heidelberg, Germany): Information related to the outcome of the first workshop in Santos, Brazil
- 11.45 h Dr. Ute Münch (GEOTECHNOLOGIEN, Potsdam): Possibilities of how to finance the bilateral research proposals
- 12.00 h Round up with discussion of the White Paper,
- Change and signature of White paper
- 13.00 h Lunch break
Scientific talks on Brazil or by Brazilian researchers in the frame of the
22th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences
- 14.00 h J.W.C.Rosa, J.W.C.Rosa, R.A.Fuck: Crust and upper mantle structure in central Brazil derived by receiver functions and sks splitting analysis
- 14.20 h P.C. Hackspacher, M.C. Siqueira-Ribeiro, M. Cuglieri, A.O.B. Franco-Magalhaes: Crustal thinning of the South American platform during the Eocene - Miocene: low temperature thermochronology at southeast Brazil
- 14.40 h A.O. Barufi Franco-Maglhaes; U.A. Glasmacher; P.C. Hackspacher; I.A. Souza; A.R. Saad: Onshore fracture zones and their extension offshore in the South Atlantic: insights from geophysical anomalies and low-temperature thermochronology
- 15.00 h A. Jasper, M. Guerra-Sommer, D. Uhl, J.G. Mendonca Filho: Macroscopic charcoal and inertinites in permian Gandwana coal deposits: are palewildfires responsible for both?
- 15.20 h A. H. Horn, H. Baggio: Metal concentration in recent sediments of the Corrego das Pedras subbasin in the Buritizeiros region, Minas Gerais, Brazil and its origins.
- 15.40 h A. Jasper, D. Uhl, C.V. Goncalves, M.I. Secchi, J. Manfroi, N.T.G. Machado, J. Ellis: Geological heritage management in Latin-America: The case of paleontological heritage in Brazil
- 16.00 h A. S. V. da Costa, A. H. Horn: The use of residual material of dimension stone production as soil corrective in agriculture. Example from MG and ES, Brazil.
- 16.20 h
Poster contributions on Brazil or by Brazilian researchers in the frame of the
22th Colloquium on Latin American Earth Sciences
H. Baggio, H. Horn: Environmental Geochemistry of surface water and stream sediments in the Formoso River, Tropical area, Minas Gerais/Brazil A. Carvalho, R.R.C. Ramos, M.B. Crud: Palynofacies of Cretaceous (Albian-Santonian) succession from the Larsen Basin, James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula
H.A.O. Macedo, N.F. Botelho: Study of Gold mineralization in the novo horizonte, Nezinho, Cicero and Tucano mines, northeast of Goias, Brazil
M.P. Karl, U.A. Glasmacher, P.C. Hackspacher, A.O.B. Franco-Magalhaes: The apatite fission-track data reflecting the landscape evolultion using the example of the southeastern passive continental margin in Central Brazil.
19.00 h Conference dinner
01. 04. 2011
Morning: Joint meeting with the Latin-American Conference
Afternoon: 625 years of University of Heidelberg and the town of Heidelberg Dr. Nicoline Dorn
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