
To participate in the symposium, please register here.

Date and Venue

Thursday, 20 July 2023,
10:00 am  – 04:15 pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 130.1
69120 Heidelberg


Symposium Young Marsilius Fellows 2023

Crossing through Time and Space

2nd Young Marsilius Fellows’ Symposium



The second generation of Young Marsilius Fellows (YMF) invites you to let go of your disciplinary boundaries and cross with us through time and space. This one-day symposium and its workshops are the result of a year-long conversation between 12 young scholars, tasked with communicating across different disciplinary languages as well as academic cultures and practices. The symposium presents the fellows’ collaborative engagement with the theme “Time and Space”. Attendees are warmly invited to meet the fellows, participate in the workshops and join the conversation.
The event will take place on 20 July 2023 between 10 and 16:15 in the Marsilius Kolleg. We welcome students and faculty members of all disciplines, as well as the general public.

If you would like to participate in the symposium, please register here.


10 am

Opening Remarks
Friederike Nüssel, Director of the Marsilius-Kolleg

10.10 am

Introduction of the Young Marsilius Fellows (YMF): the group, the symposium, the process

Monika Pleyer, Elena Puris

10.30 am

Presentation: “Chaos and Order”
Monika Pleyer, Markus Lieberknecht, Wei Zhao, Kornelius Kammler-Sücker

Session Chair: Joanna Simonow

11.30 am Coffee Break
12.00 (noon)

Keynote Lecture: “Time and the Body”
Thomas Fuchs, Karl Jaspers Professor of Philosophical Foundations of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy

Session Chair: Dennis Dietz

1 pm Lunch Break
2 pm

Exhibition: “Footprints in Time and Space. Perspectives on a Human Life – incl. Coffee”
Joanna Simonow, Lena Jassowicz, Aaron Vanides, Marius Schmitz

Session Chair: Anchel de Jaime Soguero

3 pm

Presentation: “Concepts of Beginning and End”
Elena Puris, Maria Claudia Ramírez Tannus, Anchel de Jaime Soguero, Dennis Dietz

Session Chair: Wei Zhao

3.45 pm

Closing Remarks – Spotlights: “What did I get from the exchange with the others during my time as Young Marsilius Fellow?”

Session Chair: Marius Schmitz

4.15 pm

Open End and Reception


To participate, please register here.

Editor: office
Latest Revision: 2023-07-13
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