Why study political science?
Politics, the “striving to share power or striving to influence the distribution of power” (Max Weber), and the binding regulation of societal conflicts over scarce values and resources, traverses both time and space. Current developments, events, and respective debates surrounding issues like the refugee crisis, the war on terror and the so-called Islamic State, the Euro crisis, the permanent task of reforming social security systems, or even surrounding those of global “mega challenges” like climate change or transnational waves of protest, such as the Arab Spring, occupy a prominent position in the forefront of the contemporary consciousness. Such topics, as well as many more, are the subject of the systematic analytical approach, which characterizes the field of political science. The discipline contributes to the in-depth understanding of today’s world and its problems, focuses on fundamental as well as very narrowly defined questions related to political order, and can also support decision makers in drafting policies and programs.
A strong interest in political relations is a necessary prerequisite for the study of political science. Understanding historical developments, cultural differences, and economic patterns, as well as honing good communication skills, an interest in exact observations and critical reasoning skills are all important qualities in the successful study of political science.
Majoring in political science opens up numerous possible career paths. Depending on the degree program – Bachelor, Master, or PhD – there are diverse job opportunities for graduates. In addition to the specific knowledge our students gain over the course of their studies, we also aim to nurture their ability to comprehend and analyze complex issues. This combination of skills is highly valued by potential employers – such as in research and teaching, scientific management, public administration, political parties, organizations, NGOs, and public relations. We also offer specific programs in political science for education students.