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Newsletter IBF University Heidelberg I/2023


Dear IBF-users,

hopefully you had a healthy and good start into the new year and 2023 started successfully.


By means of this newsletter we would like to inform you about organizational news and animal welfare-relevant topics.


Restricted access to our building

Recurring and due to recent incident, it needs to be clear that the entrance into the building is restrictive  and it is strictly forbidden to allow people to enter without respective permission. It is forbidden to give access to people without authority to enter. Please keep in mind to inform us about staff, who is no further working on projects that we can inactivate such access cards. “Guests” need to be announced in advance. This is relevant for animal welfare compliance!


Use of pentobarbital

Pentobarbital is known as Narcoren by the registered trade name. During the last year the instruction leaflet was changed in the way that the i.p. application of Narcoren is only applicable after preceding sedation. If in license protocols Narcoren is explicitly granted (not just pentobarbital), Narcoren may be continued to be used. If not, formulation Release 300mg/ml should be used. Here, a preceding sedation is recommended. In case of doubt or questions, please get in contact with Dr. Kristianna Becker: kristianna.becker@urz.uni-heidelberg.de




Application form

Under No. 2.3 always also tick “Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung” (basic and advanced education and training). Under No. 3 please indicate the following justification for this purpose: Since it is planned to teach technical personnel and/or students in the specified techniques, the category "Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildung" also applies. You may then list the following under No.4: As part of this study, personnel and/or students will learn the methods relevant to this project in order to be allowed to perform the activities independently when required after applying for a special permit.

Background: if, after approval for the special permit, subsequent staff registrations are submitted with persons who are only allowed to work under supervision, this must also be named as a purpose in the application. If this is not yet designated in the application, the changed purpose must be subsequently reported to the authority and the NTP must be changed. This involves some bureaucratic effort, which can be avoided by naming the purpose in advance under 2.3 and the information under 3. and 4. in the application.


In 7. under 'databases used', please also always indicate Google Scholar.


Personal information form

Please make sure that you fill in the personal data sheet correctly! Please indicate your profession under 3.1: Please write designations like: medicine, science, medical student etc.. Indications like PhD, Prof. or Postdoc are no professional designations! If under 4. “Mitarbeiter unter Aufsicht einer qualifizierten Person” (Employee under supervision of a qualified person)' is ticked, then please do not tick “Mitarbeiter führt Betäubungen durch” (Employee performs anesthesia) as well.

Since this refers to performing anesthesia without supervision, these two items are mutually exclusive. Anesthesia under supervision is indicated by “Mitarbeiter unter Aufsicht einer qualifizierten Person” (Employee under supervision of a qualified person).


Adjustment costs for animal housing

As communicated last year, the DFG has adapted the rates for animal housing.

As decided by the rectorate, these rates will be the base for our billing starting 01.01.23, which is applied to all faculties.


We appreciate your understanding and support.

Stay happy and healthy.


Best wishes,

Sabine Chourbaji

IBF der Universität Heidelberg 2022
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