
Prof. Dr. Jens Kroll
Head Metabolism and Microvascular Dysfunction group
European Center for Angioscience (ECAS)
Ludolf-Krehl-Str. 13-17
68167 Mannheim


Adminstrative Contacts

Graduate Academy

International Relations Division


Vascular cell functions in health and in diseases

Vascular cell functions in health and in diseases

Date: 07. to 19. October 2018
Venue: Heidelberg Center for Latin America (HCLA) Santiago de Chile and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC)












List of Speakers

Rubén Beltrán, Ambassador from Mexico in Chile
Ambar Idema, Ambassador from The Netherlands in Chile
Rolf Schulze, Ambassador from Germany in Chile

Heidelberg University, Germany
Prof. Dr. Jens Kroll, Organizer
Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Hammes, Organizer
Prof. Dr. Karen Bieback, Co-Organizer

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Prof. Dr. Ignacio Sánchez, Rector
Prof. Dr. Pedro Bouchon, Vice-rector of Research
Prof. Dr. Fernando Alvarado, Director of the International Academic Affair, Academic Vice-rectorate
Prof. Dr. Felipe Heusser, Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Prof. Dr. Klaus Püschel, past-Director of School of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Andrés Poblete, Director of Division OBGYN
Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Iturriaga, Director of Department of Physiology, Chief of PhD Biological Sciences major Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences
Prof. Dr. Jaime Pereira, Chief of PhD Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine
Dr. Paola Casanello, PI
Dr. Delia I Chiarello, PI
Dr. Marcelo Farías, PI
Dr. Andrea Leiva, PI
Prof. Dr. Fabián Pardo, PI
Prof. Dr. Luis Sobrevia, Organizer

Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
Dr. Gerardo García-Rivas, Organizer
Dr. Leticia Elizondo-Montemayor, PI
Dr. Omar Lozano, PI

Universidad de Antofagasta, Chile
Prof. Dr. Alberto Loyola, Rector of Universidad de Antofagasta
Prof. Dr. Marco Cikutovich, Dean Faculty of Health Sciences
Dr. Marco A Ramírez, PI

University de Bío-Bío, Chile
Prof. Dr. Fernando Toledo, Dean Faculty of Sciences
Dr. Carlos Escudero, PI

Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile
Dr. Sebastián San Martín, PI

Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Dr. Marcelo González, PI

Chilean Society of Physiological Sciences
Prof. Dr. Bredford Kerr, PI, President

University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Prof. Dr. Harry van Goor, PI

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Letzte Änderung: 27.07.2018
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