Prof. Dr. Friederike Nüssel
Ecumenical Institute
Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg
Plankengasse 1
D – 69117 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49-6221-543341
Born in Heidelberg 1961, married, two children
2000 Ordination as minister in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Bavaria (Germany)
1999 Venia legendi in Systematic Theology and Lecturer at the Department of Systematic Theology, Protestant Faculty of Theology at University of Munich
1998 Habilitation (second dissertation) under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gunther Wenz and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Wolfhart Pannenberg, F.B.A.
1993/4 Dr. theol., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Wolfhart Pannenberg, F.B.A. (summa cum laude)
1989 Examination in Theology (Magister Theologiae), Karlsruhe/Heidelberg
1986 Diploma in Theology and Ethics, King’s College London.
Work Experience
2006 - present Full Professor of Systematic Theology, Director of the Ecumenical Institute and Dean of Ecumenical International Student Hall, Faculty of Theology, Heidelberg University
2001 - 2006 Full Professor of Systematic Theology and Director of the Ecumenical Institute, Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Münster
1999 - 2001 Lecturer at the Department of Systematic Theology, Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Munich (LMU)
1991 - 1999 Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Munich
1986 - 1991 Tutor in Systematic Theology, Protestant Theological Faculty of the University of Munich
- Society of Academic Theology in Germany, Austria and Switzerland
- American Academy of Religion
- Review Board for Theology and Religious Studies of the German Research Foundation
- Advisory Board of the Heidelberg School for Jewish Studies — Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg
- Advisory Board of Study Seminar of the United Lutheran Church in Germany
- Advisory Board of Bensheim Confessional Institute — Konfessionskundliches Institut Bensheim
Awards / Research Fellowships
04/2017 - 03/2018 Research Fellow at the Marsilius-Kolleg of Heidelberg University
02 - 04/2016 Visiting Professor at the Gregorian University, Rome
2013/14 Research Fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ, in the program “Religious Experience and Moral Identity”
2009/10 Research Fellow at the Center of Theological Inquiry, Princeton, NJ
Editorial Boards
- Series ‘Theologische Bibliothek Töpelmann’ (‘Töpelmann Theological Library’), Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/New York
- Series ‘Dogmatik in der Moderne’ (‘Modern Dogmatics’), Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen
- Series ‘Themen der Theologie’ (‘Themes in Theology’) Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen
- Journal ‘Theologische Literaturzeitung’ ( a comprehensive journal reviewing publications in theology and religious studies) Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, Leipzig
- Journal ‘zeitzeichen: Evangelische Kommentare zu Religion und Gesellschaft’ (‘Signs of the Times: Protestant comments on religion and society’), Gemeinschaftswerk der Evangelischen Publizistik gGmbH.
Academic Leadership Positions
4/2017 - present Speaker of the Research Council of Field of Focus 3, ‘Cultural Dynamics in Globalized Worlds,’ Heidelberg University
4/2017 Dean of Education, Theological Faculty, Heidelberg University
2010-2013 Vice Rector of Education, Heidelberg University
2006-2009 Dean of Education, Theological Faculty, Heidelberg University
Dialogue Groups/Commissions
- Joint Working Group between the Vatican and the World Council of Churches
- International Lutheran/Roman-Catholic Commission for Christian Unity
- Commission "Churches in Dialogue,” of the Conference of European Churches
- Advisory Board for Ecumenism in the Council of the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe
- Chamber for Global Ecumenism in the Protestant Church of Germany
- Ecumenical Working Group of Protestant and Catholic Theologians in Germany
- Dialogue between the Mennonite World Conference, Lutheran World Federation and Council for Promoting Christian Unity (Co-Chair)
- Theological Conference between the Church of England and the Protestant Church of Germany (Co-Chair)
Selected Publications
Ökumene der Werte. Der ökumenische und kirchenrechtliche Beitrag der Kirchen zum Zusammenwachsen Europas. In Christentum und Europa. XVI. Europäischer Kongress für Theologie. Ed. Michael Meyer-Blanck (Leipzig: Evangelische
Verlagsanstalt, 2019): 509–530. -
The Value of the Bible: Martin Kähler’s Theology of Scripture and its Ecumenical Impact. In Multiple Reformations? The Many Faces and Legacies of the Reformation. Ed. J. Stievermann and R. C. Zachman (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2018): 359–374.
Lutherische Theologie in außereuropäischen Kontexten. Eine Zusammenschau aus Anlass des 500. Reformationsjubiläums. Ed. with H.-P. Großhans (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2017).
Doctrine. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Martin Luther, Vol. 1. Ed. D. R. Nielson and P. Hinlicky (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017): 354–366.
God Sharing in the ‘conditio humana’ – Reflections on the Potential of Christian Imagery from a Lutheran Perspective. In Ed. M. Welker and W. Schweiker Images of the Divine and Cultural Orientations. Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Voices. (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2015): 103–114.
Wie ist ökumenischer Konsens evangelisch möglich? Fundamentaltheologische Überlegungen im Anschluss an eine innerevangelische Debatte. In ZThK 106 (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2009): 434-457.
Einführung in die Ökumenische Theologie. With Dorothea Sattler (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft 2008).
Die Aufgabe der Dogmatik im Zusammenhang der Theologie. In Ed. I. U. Dalferth, Eine Wissenschaft oder viele? Die Einheit evangelischer Theologie in der Sicht ihrer Disziplinen. ThLZ.F 17 (Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt 2006): 77-98.
Allein aus Glauben. Zur Entwicklung der Rechtfertigungslehre in der konkordistischen und frühen nachkonkordistischen Theologie. In FSÖTh 95 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 2000).
Bund und Versöhnung. Zur Begründung der Dogmatik bei Johann Franz Buddeus. In FSÖTh 77 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1996).