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Neueste Ergänzungen
The Dutch were the only Western country with a foothold in Japan for over 200 years during the Tokugawa Period, and over the course of that time they amassed a wealth of documents, artifacts, and personal accounts. Now through its massive digital efforts NAN has made its unique resources on Japan available for research through the Japan Guide, hosted by the Archives Portal Europe. The Japan Guide is fully searchable and affords access to all of the NAN’s Japan-related materials via one simple interface. The guide is divided by period, beginning with the Dutch East India Company, spanning World War II, and continuing up to the year 2000.
Academia Historica's "Collection of President Chiang Kai-Shek" contains the correspondence, telegraphs, diaries, letters, books, maps, image materials and artifacts left behind by Mr. Chiang Kai-Shek during the periods of the Northern Expedition, Unification, Second Sino-Japanese War and Rebellion.
The Database for the History of Contemporary Chinese Political Movements beinhaltet folgende Sammlungen mit insgesamt etwa 30.000 Dokumenten: 1. The Chinese Cultural Revolution Database (1966–1976), 2. The Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign Database (1955–1958), 3. The Chinese Great Leap Forward–Great Famine Databases (1958–1962), 4. The early-mid 1950s Chinese Political Movements Databases (1949 - 1956)
The Institute of Chinese Studies Heidelberg holds a full run of Zhaiyi (摘译 - Selected Translations) and has made it accessible online for scholarly research in a fully searchable version.
The Chinese Foreign Policy Database curates 1000s of documents from Chinese and international archives, it offers insights into China’s foreign policy since 1949 and its relationship to ideology, revolution, the economy, and traditional Chinese culture