Dr. Sebastian Traunmüller - Publikationen

  • E. Hallager, BP. Hallager (eds.), The Greek-Swedish Excavations at the Aghia Aikaterini Square Kastelli, Khania 1970-1987 and 2001. Vol. IV. The Late Minoan IIIB:1 and IIIA:2 Settlements. Skrifter Utgivna Av Svenska Intitutet I Athen, 4°, XLVII:IV. Stockholm 2011.
    Gnomon 86.2, 2014, 161-165.
  • A New Fixed Point In Minoan Relative Chronology?
    The pottery assemblage from the ceramic workshop at Zominthos and its implications for Neopalatial chronology. AA 2012/2, 1-27.
  • The Late Minoan I Pottery from Zominthos. T. Brogan, E. Hallager (eds.), LM IB Pottery. Relative chronology and regional differences. Acts of a workshop organized held at the Danish Institute at Athens in collaboration with the INSTAP Study Center for East Crete, 27-29 June 2007, 93-107.
  • Die Minoische Thalassokratie – Mythos oder Realität? Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg (ed.), Inseln der Winde. Die maritime Kultur der bronzezeitlichen Ägäis. Berlin 2011, 51.
  • The Neopalatial Pottery from the Ceramic Workshop at Zominthos and its Implications for Minoan Relative Chronology.
    URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-opus-100121
    URL: http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/archiv/10012
  • Untersuchung der archäologischen Hinterlassenschaften der Bevölkerung Kretas während der Spätminoisch IIIC und Subminoischen Zeit im Bezug auf ihre soziale Aussagekraft und Bedeutung.
    URN: urn:nbn:de:bsz:16-propylaeumdok-808
    URL: http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/propylaeumdok/volltexte/2007/80/
  • Handelswege auf See, in: Abenteuer Archäologie 5, 2007, 39f.
  • Re-entering Tholos B at Koumasa. The double entrance reconsidered. (Manuskript angenommen, Journal of Aegean Archaeology)
  • Pots and Potters. Thoughts on ceramic technology and the craftsmen behind the product. D. Panagiotopoulos (Hrsg.), Minoan Archaeology. Challenges and Perspectives for the 21st Century. International Conference, 23-27 March 2011. Institute of Classical Archaeology, University of Heidelberg. (Im Druck)
  • Up, up and away? Remoteness and connectivity in the Cretan mountains – a ceramic perspective from the Neopalatial period. „Island, Mainland, Coastland and Hinterland – ceramic perspectives on connectivity in the ancient Mediterranean.” International Conference 01-03 February 2013. University of  Amsterdam. (Im Druck)



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