Leitung der Englischen Abteilung
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Kunz
Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen (IUED)
Leiterin der Englischen Abteilung
Raum: IUED 007a
Plöck 57a, 69117 Heidelberg
Telefon: 0049-(0)6221-547227
Fax: 0049-(0)6221-54 7561
E-Mail: kerstin.kunz@iued.uni-heidelberg.de
Sprechstunde und aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen: siehe hier
Projekte (an der Universität des Saarlandes)
- ELVE 1/2: Entwicklung von eLearning- Veranstaltungen für die Fachrichtung 4.6 (finanziert von der Universität des Saarlandes), Antragstellerin und Projektkoordinatorin
- MeLLANGE: Multilingual eLearning in LANGuage Engineering: Entwicklung eines eLearning Masters für Translationstechnologie sowie eines Lerner-Korpus für Übersetzer (EU-Projekt), Projektkoordinatorin des Projektmitglieds Saarbrücken
- CroCo 1/2: Sprachliche Eigenschaften von Übersetzungen - eine korpusbasierte Studie (DFG-Projekt), Mitarbeit im Projekt und in der Antragstellung
- PROBRAL: Kombination korpusbasierter und psycholinguistischer Untersuchungsmethoden für die Erforschung übersetzter Texte (DAAD-Projekt), Mitarbeit im Projekt und in der Antragstellung
- GeCo: Textkohäsion im Englischen und Deutschen - Entwicklung einer empirischen Methodologie zur Erstellung eines typologisch basierten Vergleichs im Rahmen von Sprachkontaktforschungen (finanziert von der Universität des Saarlandes), Mitarbeit im Projekt und in der Antragstellung
- GECCo: German-English contrasts in cohesion – Towards an empirically-based comparison (DFG-Projekt), Mitarbeit im Projekt und in der Antragstellung
- GECCo2: English - German contrasts in cohesion: empirically-based comparison of the written-spoken continuum (DFG-Projekt); Antragstellerin und Projektkoordinatorin (mit Prof. Dr. Erich Steiner)
Organisation von Konferenzen und Workshops
- MeLLANGE 2007: Paris Diderot (Mitarbeit an Organisation und Tutoring)
- ESFLCW 2007: Saarbrücken (Mitarbeit an Organisation, Book of Abstracts)
- Seit 2007: Kolloquien der Fachrichtung 4.6 der Universität des Saarlandes
- Juni 2013: Forschungskolloquium in Heidelberg zum Thema: Forschungsfragen und Methoden der Sprach- und Übersetzungswissenschaft
- April 2014: Pre-Conference Workshop „Corpus-based approaches to discourse relations” auf der Konferenz ICAME 35 an der Universität Nottingham, UK (mit Ekaterina-Lapshinova Koltunski)
- Juli 2015: Nach doppeltem Reviewing Prozess angenommen: Panel “New Perspectives on Cohesion and Coherence: Implications for Translations” auf der Konferenz IATIS an der Universität Belo Horizonte, Brasilien (mit Katrin Menzel und Ekaterina-Lapshinova Koltunski)
Weitere wissenschaftliche Tätigkeiten
- Reviewing zur Konferenz ESFLCW 2007 in Saarbrücken
- Reviewing zur Konferenz HCLS 2008 in Hongkong
- Reviewing zur Konferenz IATIS 2015 in Belo Horizonte, Brasilien
- Reviewing zur Konferenz ISCF 2015 in Aachen
- Mitglied von TextLing (Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe)
Kunz, Kerstin (2015). Cohesion in English and German. A corpus-based approach to language contrast, register variation and translation. Habilitationsschrift. Universität des Saarlandes
- Kunz, Kerstin (2010). English and German nominal Co-reference. A study of political essays. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
- Kunz, Kerstin, Elke Teich, Silvia Hansen-Schirra, Stella Neumann and Peggy Daut. (2014). Caught in the middle – language use and translation: a festschrift for Erich Steiner on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Universaar
- Kunz, Kerstin, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski and Katrin Menzel (in preparation). „New Perspectives on Cohesion and Coherence: Implications for Translations”, Proceeding of the IATIS panel at UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Aufsätze und Conference Proceedings
Nedoluzhko Anna, Lapshinova-Koltunski Ekaterina and Kerstin Kunz: Across Languages and Genres: Creating a Universal Annotation Scheme for Textual Relations. In: Proceedings of the The 9th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW IX 2015) , Copyright © Association for Computational Linguistics, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, ISBN 978-1-941643-47-1, pp. 168-177, 2015
Lapshinova-Koltunski Ekaterina, Nedoluzhko, Anna, Kunz, Kerstin, Poláková, Lucie, Mírovský, Jiří and Pavlína Jínová (2015). Finding Nexus in the PDiT and GECCo Annotation Schemes. Copyright © Universite Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Jan 2015
Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina, Nedoluzhko, Ann and Kerstin Kunz (2015). Across Languages and Genres: Creating a Universal Annotation Scheme for Textual Relation. In Proceedings of LAW IX at NAACL HLT 2015. Denver, USA.
Kunz, Kerstin, Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania, Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina, Menzel, Katrin and Erich Steiner (2015). GECCo - an empirically-based comparison of English-German cohesion. To appear in: De Sutter, G. and Delaere, I. and Lefer, M.-A. (eds.). New Ways of Analysing Translational Behaviour in Corpus-Based Translation Studies. TILSM series. Mouton de Gruyter.
Kunz, Kerstin and Elke Teich (forthcoming). Chapter 35: Translation studies/Comparative Discourse Analysis. To appear in Bartlett, T and G. O’Grady. Routledge Systemic Functional Linguistics Handbook. Routledge
Kunz, Kerstin and Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (2015). Cross-linguistic analysis of discourse variation across registers. In Aijmer, K. and H. Hasselgard (eds). Special issue of the Nordic Journal of English Studies.
Lapshinova-Koltunski, E. and K. Kunz (2014). Annotating Cohesion for Multillingual Analysis. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Reykjavik, May 26, 2014.
Kunz, Kerstin and Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (2014). Cohesion in ERICH. In Kunz K., E. Teich, S. Hansen-Schirra, S. Neumann and P. Daut (eds.). Caught in the middle – language use and translation: a festschrift for Erich Steiner on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Universaar
Kunz, Kerstin and Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (2014). Cohesive conjunctions in English and German: Systemic contrasts and textual differences. In Gentens, C., D. Kimps, L. Vandelanotte (eds). Advances in Corpus Compilation and Corpus Applications. Rodopi
Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski and Kerstin Kunz. Annotating Cohesion for Multilingual Analysis (2014). In Proceedings of the 10th Joint ACL - ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation, Reykjavik, May 26, 2014
Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina and Kerstin Kunz (2013). Conjunctions across Languages, Registers and Modes: semi-automatic extraction and annotation. In Diaz Negrillo, A. and F. J. Díaz Pérez (eds). Specialisation and Variation in Language Corpora. Peter Lang.
Kunz, Kerstin und Erich Steiner (2013). Cohesive substitution in English and German a contrastive and corpus-based perspective. In: Aijmer, Karin and Altenberg, Bengt. eds. forthcoming. Advances in corpus-based contrastive linguistics. Studies in honour of Stig Johansson. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kunz, Kerstin 2012. Some syntactic features of nominal coreferring expressions. In: Hansen-Schirra, S., Neumann S. and E. Steiner. Cross-linguistic Corpora for the Study of Translations. Insights from the Language Pair English-German. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter.
Kunz, Kerstin und Steiner, Erich. 2012. Towards a comparison of cohesive reference in English and German: System and text. In: Contrastive Discourse Analysis. Functional and Corpus Perspectives. Maite Taboada, Susanna Doval Suárez, and Elsa González Álvarez (eds). London: Equinox.
Lapshinova-Koltunski Ekaterina, Kerstin Kunz und Marilisa Amoia (2012). Compiling a Multilingual Spoken Corpus. In: Spoken Corpora and Annotation; Speech Technology and Data Bases. Proceedings of the VIIth GSCP International Conference, Firence: Firence University Press.
Marilisa Amoia, Kerstin Kunz und Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (2012). Coreference in Spoken vs. Written Text: a Corpus-based Analysis (forthcoming). In: Proceedings of the 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC2012). Istanbul, Turkey, May 2012.
Kunz, Kerstin, Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina. und Marilisa Amoia (2011). Tools to Analyse German-English Contrasts in Cohesion. In: Multilingual Resources and Multilingual Applications. Proceedings of the Conference of the German Society for Computational Linguistics and Language Technology (GSCL) 2011. Hedeland, H., Schmidt, T. and K. Wörner (eds), 243-246. Hamburg.
Castagnoli, Sara, Ciobanu, Dragos, Kübler Nathalie, Kunz, Kerstin und Alexandra Volanschi (2011). Designing a Learner Translator Corpus for Training Purposes. In: N. Kubler (ed.), Corpora, Language Teaching and Resources: from Theory to Practice. Bern: Peter Lang.
Amoia, Marilisa, Kunz, Kerstin und Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina (2011). Discontinuous Constituents: a Problematic Case for Parallel Corpora Annotation and Querying. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora (AEPC2 a RANLP 2011 workshop). Hissar, Bulgaria. September, 2011.
Kunz, Kerstin, Castagnoli Sara und Nathalie Kübler (2010). Corpora in translator training: A program for an eLearning course. In: Gile, D., Hansen, G. & N. Pokorn (eds.). Why Translation Studies Matters. Philadelphia/ Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Kunz, Kerstin (2009). Nominal coreference in translations and originals – a corpus-based study In: Proceedings of the Corpus Linguistics Conference CL2009 University of Liverpool, UK 20-23 July 2009.
Kunz, Kerstin (2007). A method for investigating coreference in translations and originals. In: Languages in Contrast 7:2, 267-287.
Hansen Sandra, Ralph Dirksen, Martin Küchler, Kerstin Kunz und Stella Neumann (2006). Comprehensible legal texts - utopia or a question of wording? On processing rephrased German court decisions. In: Hermes - Journal of Language and Communication Studies, no 36-2006.
Kunz, Kerstin und Silvia Hansen-Schirra (2003). Coreference annotation of the TIGER treebank. In: Proceedings of the Workshop Treebanks and Linguistic Theories 2003. Vaxjo, 221-224.
Callmeier Ullrich, Gregor Erbach, Irina Gogelgans, Silvia Hansen, Kerstin Kunz und Dorothee Ziegler-Eisele (2002). COLLATE Annotationsschema. Technical Report. Saarland University, September 2002.
- Nedoluzhko Anna, Lapshinova-Koltunski Ekaterina and Kerstin Kunz: Analysis of DRD-related Contrasts in Spoken Czech, English and German. Saarbrücken, Germany, Oct 2015
- Kunz, K., E. Lapshinova-Koltunski and S. Degaetano-Ortlieb (2015). Cohesive chains in an English German parallel corpus: Methodologies and challenges. In Proceedings of the 5th IATIS Conference, Belo Horizonte (Brazil).
- Nedoluzhko, A., E. Lapshinova-Koltunski and K. Kunz (2015). PDiT-GECCo Scientific mission: towards comprehensive approaches to discourse-structuring devices. In Proceedings of the 1st Action Conference. Textlink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe. January 26-28, Louvain (Belgium).
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, E., A. Nedoluzhko, K. Kunz, L. Polakova, J. Mirovsky and P. Jinova (2015). Finding Nexus in the PDiT and GECCo Annotation Schemes. In Proceedings of the 1st Action Conference. Textlink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe. January 26-28, Louvain (Belgium).
- Kunz, K., E. Lapshinova-Koltunski, J. Martínez Martínez, K. Menzel and E. Steiner (2015). GECCo: Corpus to Analyse German-English Contrasts in Cohesion. In Proceedings of the 1st Action Conference. Textlink: Structuring Discourse in Multilingual Europe. January 26-28, Louvain (Belgium).
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina and Kerstin Kunz (April 2014). Cross-linguistic Analysis of Discourse Variation. At the ICAME35 Workshop 'Corpus-based approaches to discourse relations', Nottingham, UK
- Kunz, Kerstin (August 2013). Multi-functionality of cohesive devices and translation strategies. Accepted for presentation at 7th EST Congress: Germersheim, Germany
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina & Kerstin Kunz (Juli 2013). "Detecting Cohesion: semi-automatic annotation procedures", accepted for presentation at Corpus Linguistics 2013, Lancaster, UK
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina, Kerstin Kunz & Pauline Krielke (Mai 2013). Register Variation in Cohesive Reference. Paper accepted for presentation at ICLC7-UCCTS3: international academic conference in the fields of contrastive linguistics and corpus-based translation studies, Ghent, Belgium
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina & Kerstin Kunz. (Mai 2013). Cross-linguistic analysis of cohesion: variation across production types and registers. Accepted for presentation at the pre-conference workshop on cross-linguistic studies at the interface between lexis and grammar at ICAME34, Santiago, Spain
- Kunz, Kerstin (Januar 2913). Korpora und Übersetzen. Ist Wörter zählen die Lösung. Ringvorlesung des Instituts für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen, Universität Heidelberg
- Kunz, Kerstin (Januar 2013). Cohesion in written vs. spoken language - hypotheses for a corpuslinguistic analysis. Presented at the LSB2013 conference on Genre- and Register-related Text and Discourse Features in Multilingual Corpora, Brussels
- Kunz, Kerstin und Erich Steiner (September 2012). Cohesive substitution in English and German - contrasts, generalizations, explanations. Presentation at the seminar "Corpus-based perspectives on discourse: Insights from cross-linguistic studies" within the 11th European Society for the Study of English (ESSE) Conference, Boğaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kunz, Kerstin, Amoia, Marilisa, Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina und Erich Steiner (Mai 2012). Designing a Multilingual Corpus for the Contrastive Analysis of English and German. Presentation at the pre-conference workshop on corpus-based contrastive linguistics at the ICAME conference in Leuven (Belgien).
- Kunz, Kerstin und Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (Juni 2012). Cohesive conjunctions across languages and registers - a corpus-linguistic analysis. Presentation at ICAME main conference in Leuven (Belgien).
- Marilisa Amoia, Kerstin Kunz, Ekaterina Lapshinova-Koltunski (Mai 2012). Coreference in Spoken vs. Written Text: a Corpus-based Analysis. Poster at the 8th international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-2012). Istanbul (Türkei).
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina und Kerstin Kunz (März 2012). Conjunctions across Languages, Registers and Modes: semi-automatic extraction and annotation. Presented at 4th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC-2012): Language, corpora and applications: diversity and change in Jaen (Spanien).
- Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina, Kerstin Kunz und Marilisa Amoia. (Februar 2012). Compiling a Multilingual Spoken Corpus. presented at the GSCP-2012 International Conference 'Speech and Corpora' in Belo Horizonte (Brasilien).
- Amoia, Marilisa, Kunz, Kerstin und Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina. (September 2011). Discontinuous Constituents: a Problematic Case for Parallel Corpora Annotation and Querying. 2nd Workshop on Annotation and Exploitation of Parallel Corpora (AEPC2 a RANLP 2011 workshop). September, 2011. Hissar (Bulgarien).
- Kunz, Kerstin und Lapshinova-Koltunski, Ekaterina (Oktober 2011). Tools to analyze German-English contrasts in cohesion. Hamburg Working Papers in Multilingualism. GSCL 2011, Hamburg.
- Kunz, Kerstin und Steiner, Erich (Mai 2011). German-English contrasts in cohesion. Workshop 1 “Corpus-based Contrastive Analysis” at the 32nd ICAME Conference. Oslo (Norwegen).
- Kunz, Kerstin und Steiner, Erich (Juni 2010). Cohesive reference, substitution and some aspects of conjunctive relations in English and German – some initial findings.” 38th International Systemic Functional Congress – ISFC38. Lisbon (Portugal).
- Kunz, Kerstin. (November 2009). Coreference creation in English and German. Exploring forms and functions in a corpuslinguistic study. Workshop Multilingual Discourse Production, Hamburg.
- Kunz, Kerstin (Juli 2009). Nominal coreference in translations and originals – a corpus-based study. Presentation at the Corpus Linguistics Conference CL2009 University of Liverpool (UK).
- Čulo Oliver, Kunz Kerstin und Torsten Zesch (März 2009). Semantic relations in a bilingual corpus of different registers. DGFs 2009 Workshop corpus, Colligation, Register Variation, Osnabrück.
- Kunz, Kerstin und Oliver Čulo (Oktober 2008). Semantic relations in a bilingual corpus of different registers. Workshop „Multilingual Discourse Production. Changing Norms and Conventions“, SFB „Mehrsprachigkeit“, Hamburg.
- Kunz, Kerstin und Oliver Čulo (August 2008). Investigating lexical cohesion in translations. 2nd HCLS Conference, Hongkong (China).
- Neumann, Stella, Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Kunz Kerstin, Steiner Erich und Mihaela Vela (September 2007). New insights from the study of translations. 5th EST Congress, Ljubljana, (Slowenien).
- Kunz Kerstin, Castagnioli Sara, Colominas, Carmen und Stella Neumann (September 2007). Corpora in translator training. A program for an eLearning course. 5th EST Congress, Ljubljana, (Slowenien).
- Kunz Kerstin (Mai 2006). Investigating nominal coreference in originals and translations. SPRIK. Conference, Oslo (Norwegen).
- Castagnoli Sara, Ciobanu D., Kübler, Nathalie, Kunz, Kerstin und Alexandra Volanschi (2006). Designing a Learner Translator Corpus for Training Purposes. TaLC 2006, Paris (Frankreich).
- Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Kunz, Kerstin, Neumann, Stella und Erich Steiner (2006). Linguistic properties of translations. The case of expliciteness. SLT congress, Ghent (Belgien).
- Hansen, Sandra, Dirksen, Ralph, Küchler, Martin, Kunz, Kerstin und Stella Neumann (2005). Verständliche Rechtstexte – Utopie oder eine Frage der Formulierung? Zur Verarbeitung rephrasierter Rechtstexte. 36. GAL-Tagung, Koblenz.
- Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Kunz, Kerstin Kusztor, Monika, Neumann, Stella und Erich Steiner (2005). Linguistic realisations of explicitness in translations. 27. Jahrestagung der DGfS „[In]determinismus in der Sprache", Köln.
- Braun, Christoph, Hansen-Schirra, Silvia, Kunz, Kerstin und Stella Neumann (2005). The syntactic complexity of German legalese - An empirical approach. International Association of Forensic Linguistics, 7th Biennal Conference on Forensic Linguistics/Language and Law, Cardiff (UK).
- Neumann, Stella und Kerstin Kunz (Februar 2005). Intralinguale und interlinguale Varianten: Gerichtsurteile und dazugehörige Pressemitteilungen im Englischen und Deutschen. Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium „Kontinuum und Kontakt“, Saarbrücken.
- Kunz, Kerstin und Silvia Hansen-Schirra (2003). Coreference annotation of the TIGER treebank. Workshop Treebanks and Linguistic Theories, Växjö (Sweden).