Happy Birthday Prof. Wolfrum

HappyThis page is entierly dedicated to our Chief, on occasion of his 60th anniversary on September the 23th 1999.
It is part of the regards we've sent him, telling him he ... hm ... ,well, you'd better find out on your own.

TorteFollowing the links below you'll find some pages containing letters, stories and cartoons we received from different people, which in most cases are or once have been part of Wolfrum's team. We had much fun in reading them and thought that it would be a nice idea to give some of these insights outside. Most of the letters are written in german, but most of the cartoons should be internationally understandable. If you have suggestions and/or comments on this page or if you'd like to add your own letter, cartoon or whatever, feel free to e-mail them either to the WEB-Team or directly to Prof. Wolfrum.


Special thanks to Sylvia Boganski, Christel Clausing and Birgit Wagner who collected and illustraded the data used on the following pages.

Über das Anstoßen mit Sekt (von M. Pohl)
Paper dedicated to Professor Jürgen Wolfrum on the occasion of his 60th birthday (H.R. Volpp)
Travels from 1983 to 1999 (C. Clausing, S. Boganski)
Zitat von Erich Kästner
Für den Goethe Liebhaber (M. Lemcke)
Chef, Sie were alt! (S. Ebert)
Cartoons I (R. Koch)
Aschenbrödel (M. Köllner)
Dr. OH - oder: Wie ich lernte den Laser zu lieben (Thomas Schäfer, Alexander Buschmann, Andreas Orth, Andreas Arnold, Michael Decker)
Fast wie am PCI (Eindruecke eines Ex-PC'lers aus Japan) (H. Willwohl)
Was nicht in der RNZ stand...
Seitenbearbeiter: E-Mail
Letzte Änderung: 01.11.2012
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