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Der Career Service der Uni Heidelberg gibt wertvolle Hilfestellungen für einen erfolgreichen Berufsstart. Für Studenten, Doktoranden und  alle Interessierten.


Existenzgründungen von Studierenden,  Absolventen und Mitarbeitern der Universität Heidelberg werden durch das Gründungsmanagement der Universität gefördert.



Doctoral Studies in Chemistry, Geography and Earth Sciences


The doctorate serves to demonstrate the candidate's ability to undertake independent academic research.
It consists of a scientific work (doctoral dissertation) and an oral examination
(disputation), taken after the dissertation has been completed.

After successful qualification the Combined Faculty of Mathematics, Engineering and Natural Sciences awards the doctoral degree (usually the degree of Doctor rerum naturalis (Dr. rer. nat.)).

Please find here information about

                           - the acceptance as a doctoral candidate and
the doctoral examination procedure.




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Latest Revision: 2024-04-23
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