Living in Heidelberg
Heidelberg – the name stands for the world-famous castle, the picturesque Old Town with all its charm, the inviting landscape between the Odenwald and the Rhine Valley, and for Germany’s oldest university and an internationally known centre of science and research. The following pages provide information on various aspects of life in Heidelberg.

Each semester, the International Relations Office at Heidelberg University offers a diverse programme of cultural activities for international students. Our day trips give you the opportunity to discover numerous German towns and cities. We also offer trips lasting several days - a great way to familiarise yourself with Germany’s cultural diversity.
Idefix Theater Group
Many of the institutes and departments, particularly in modern languages, have their own theater groups, which welcome international participants. The English department is always looking for native speakers interested in drama. The Institut für Deutsch als Fremdsprachenphilologie runs a one-year theater seminar that includes a basic course in acting in addition to putting on plays. Students can earn credits for participation in this theater group called Idefix.
Collegium Musicum (University Heidelberg)
There is a large number of university groups within which students can pursue their musical interests. There are four university choirs, an orchestra as well as many other choral and musical groups at university. Information can be found on flyers and posters in university buildings and libraries, especially at the beginning of the semester.