My Way to Application and Admission

On the following pages you will find a summary of the most important information about the application procedure and admissions process for your chosen course of study.

My Data

First subjectMolecular Systems Science and Engineering - Master
Admission PermitUniversity Degree (for a Master's programme)
Start SemesterFirst Academic Semester
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Molecular Systems Science and Engineering - Master

Application procedure

Master’s degree programmes with access and admission restrictions

All Master’s degree programmes at Heidelberg University are access-restricted. These restrictions are stipulated in the admission regulations and may include prerequisites such as above-average examination grades in the undergraduate degree programme or specific professional experience. 

Specific admission requirements

The university allocates places according to the criteria specified in the selection and admission regulations. If not regulated in the subject-specific selection and admission regulations the subject-specific study and examination regulations may also stipulate the access and admission requirements to be fulfilled. Further details can be found in the corresponding regulations.

Required documents

To apply, applicants for the selected degree program must upload certain documents to the application portal by the deadline.

Application portal and deadlines

Applications for the first academic semester of admission-restricted Master’s degree programmes must be submitted via t the online application portal heiCO. 

Winter Semester:  01.02. - 15.03.

Admission procedure

The admission procedure for the first academic semester of Master’s degree programmes which are both access restricted and admission-restricted will generally be completed within six weeks following the application deadline.


Applicants admitted to the Master's program will be asked in their heiCO account (self-service view) to accept the study place within a deadline indicated there. If the study place is not accepted by the deadline, the entitlement to the study place expires.