Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies Sport Science – Bachelor 75%

Work with and for people is at the heart of sports science. Central topics are anchored in the areas of movement, games and sports, as well as school sports, amateur sport, high performance sports and sport for health purposes. 

Facts & Formalities

DegreeBachelor of Science
Type of programmeUndergraduate
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s) of instructionDeutsch
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureSubjects with local admission restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.

Course Content

Sports scientists integrate elements from different disciplines, or develop original, interdisciplinary approaches to these fields. They aim to consider practical and theoretical aspects of individual sports and disciplines, forms of sport or areas of sport (e.g. water sports, winter sports, small-scale games). Graduates of a degree programme in sports science have the motor skills required to plan and deliver sports and training sessions for specific sports, and across disciplines. All students also benefit from the focus on empirical research at the Institute of Sports and Sports Sciences, and gain a thorough insight into empirical research methods and statistics.

Course Structure

The Bachelor’s degree programme in sports science consists in four substantial areas of learning: 

  • Theory 
  • Sport in Theory and Practice 
  • Research Methods 
  • Cross-disciplinary Skills 

 As well as the following theoretical areas: 

  • Sport in Education (sport pedagogy, sport didactics) 
  • Sport, the Individual and Society (sport psychology, sport sociology, history of sport) 
  • Mobility and Training (kinesiology, training science) 
  • Body, Performance and Health (sport orthopaedics, sport physiology) 

Theoretical elements of sports science are utilised in various practical seminars. 


  • Dance, Creativity, Presentation – Gymnastics/Dance 
  • Physical Aesthetics and Equipment – Apparatus Gymnastics 
  • Running, Jumping, Throwing – Athletics 
  • Movement in Water – Swimming 
  • Football 
  • Volleyball 

 In addition, there are elements of relevance to all sports.  

  • Courses and lectures 
  • Field trips (e.g. sailing, skiing/snowboarding, wind surfing)  
  • Elective subjects (e.g. canoeing, rowing, tennis, badminton, cycling) 

My Way To Application And Admission

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