
Field of Focus III - Funded ProjectsRecalibrating Culture

Putting the Transcultural in Perspective (Part 2)

Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Barbara Mittler


The project’s aim was to prepare a BMBF proposal for a joint Center for Advanced Studies on “Worldmaking” at three locations: Berlin, Göttingen and Heidelberg. The Heidelberg Section will be dedicated to the topic "Epochal Lifeworlds: Narratives of Crisis”. It will highlight moments of crisis and disaster scrutinizing how they have shaped and changed epochal visions of time and world order. The  Programme intends to bring Fellows from China to Heidelberg to work on joint research projects with German colleagues. The disciplinary focus is on approaches from the Social Sciences and the Humanities, the regional focus is open. The project aims to support young scholars: it will employ a Junior Research Group and offer 3-6 German-Chinese (Junior and Senior) Tandem-Fellowships per year. The project entertains close links to the Munich Carson Center and thus hopes to be of interest to researchers in CATS, HCE, Marsilius-Kolleg and others.

