
Heidelberg Forum Digital Humanities Events

Here you will find information on the dates and topics of the HCDH's 'DH Insights' event series. Contributions with a German title are expected to be held in German, discussion is possible in German and English. The list will be updated continuously.



Caroline Brandt and Christian Meyer (IDF): tba. 
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
11.04., 11.00-12.00 AM
Lukas Boch (Universität Münster): Brettspiele im digitalen Zeitalter
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
postponed to April (exact date follows)
Prof. Dr. Ute Huesken: Hinduistische Tempellegenden in Südindien
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
postponed to March (exact date follows)
PD Dr. Frederike van Oorschot (FEST Heidelberg): SysLex. Ein Open Access Onlinelexikon in der Entstehung.
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
25.01., 11-12.00 AM



Dr. Susanne Börner: Numismatik und NFDI4Objects
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
14.12., 12.00 AM-1.00 PM
Prof. Dr. Jukka Tyrkkö: DH at Linnaeus University
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
25.05., 11.00-12.00 AM
Prof. Dr. Henry Keazor: Einblicke in ein Netzwerk der internationaler Kunst und Kultur. Die Gästebücher der Heidelberger Familie Moufang
Online event of the centre (access data via the distribution list of the HCDH)
26.01., 11.00-12.00 AM