
Field of Focus III - Funded projectsHeidelberger Forum Edition

Project leader:

Prof. Dr. Roland Reuß (Department of German Studies)

Funding line:

Text Worlds


At the University of Heidelberg, the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the University of Jewish Studies there are numerous renowned editing, commentary and translation projects. The aim of the "Heidelberger Forum Edition" initiative was to bring these edition projects, which often run without contact, into a joint discussion context and to communicate this to the public.

In the course of a three-semester lecture series, scientists from Heidelberg from various disciplines presented their editing, commentary and translation projects in detail. In addition to the Heidelberg projects, external experts also offered insights into the Hitler, Nietzsche, Brechtian, Borchardtian, Hölderlin, Benjamin and Robert Walser editions.

The breadth and intensity of the edition philological activities in Heidelberg was also documented on a website set up specifically for this purpose and presented to the public in a generally understandable manner. Video interviews with the project leaders and staff of the Heidelberg edition projects illustrate the background of the editorial work.

Website Heidelberger Forum Edition

In a three-day international conference, the possibilities and challenges of producing an edition-scientific handbook were discussed. The rapid closing of this gap in edition science is now the express wish of the participating scientists.