
Heidelberg and Mannheim University HospitalsRector: Heidelberg University Welcomes Directional Decision by State Government

7 April 2022

Competent ministries vote for link-up of Heidelberg and Mannheim University Hospitals

Today (Thursday 7 April) the government of the State of Baden-Württemberg went public with an agreement by the relevant portfolios on the desired merging of the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Hospitals. The ministries have come out in favour a link-up of the two hospitals, initially retaining the current structure of financial responsibility.

Prof. Dr Bernhard Eitel, Rector of Ruperto Carola, comments: “Heidelberg University welcomes the directional decision by the state government to unite the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Hospitals under one roof as a logical step towards establishing an internationally visible flagship for medicine, health economy and biotechnology in the Rhine-Neckar region. In the interplay of life sciences and medicine with high-powered natural sciences, outstanding preconditions will be created not only for the translation of top-notch research into patient care but also for transfer into innovative industrial applications. With the merging of the hospitals in conjunction with the innovation campus Health & Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim, we are creating – by joining forces with industry – an outstanding ecosystem, which will significantly strengthen the establishment of a new leading industry and Baden-Württemberg’s position in international competition.”

With the Heidelberg University of Excellence, its two Medical Faculties, Heidelberg University Hospital, Mannheim University Hospital as well as a number of research institutions considered national and international leaders in their fields – the German Cancer Research Center, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research and the Central Institute of Mental Health – the Rhine-Neckar region boasts a unique research and development network in the fields of medicine, life sciences and medical engineering. This network is situated at the heart of a region that is home to multinational economic powerhouses and to more than 400 small and medium-sized health sector enterprises. To enrich and deepen an ecosystem for innovation, basic research, translation and transfer and make it even more competitive, the Heidelberg and Mannheim University Hospitals, the two Medical Faculties, and the university’s life sciences centres want to join forces with non-university partners in an alliance that will be the first of its kind in Germany. Support for the innovation campus Health & Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim comes from the State of Baden-Württemberg.