
PosterPoster Calendar for 2022

16 December 2021

Posters can be picked up at the University Internal Post Rooms

The calendar for 2022 has appeared. The large poster in A2 format depicts the courtyard of the Mathematikon on the Im Neuenheimer Feld campus. Officially opened in 2015 after three years of construction, the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science was amalgamated under one roof after being scattered in different locations. The sponsor of the spacious building complex was the Klaus Tschira Foundation, which had donated to Heidelberg University – and thus to the state of Baden-Württemberg – what is known as building site A, comprising not only the Faculty but also the Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing. Meanwhile the Mathematikon also accommodates the university’s newly founded Faculty of Engineering Sciences.

Kalenderblatt 2022

Members of the university and interested individuals can pick up the new calendar at the internal post rooms in the university administration (Seminarstraße 2) and Im Neuenheimer Feld 367, room 021.