
Preparation at Heidelberg University

As the primary goal of an ERASMUS period of study abroad is to study at the host university, not just to learn the language spoken in the country, a good level of proficiency in that language as well as intercultural skills are required. You should be sufficiently proficient in the language spoken in the host country to be able to settle into daily life there. This is the case even if the university offers courses in English.

Acquiring Language Proficiency

The Language Centre (Zentrale Sprachlabor, ZSL) at Heidelberg University offers courses in different European languages every semester. You can prove your level of language proficiency by taking a language test at the Language Centre (form available from room 139 in the International Relations Office). Please note that to be awarded an ERASMUS scholarship, written proof of a sufficient level of language proficiency is usually required.

Many host institutions organise intensive language courses, which take place before the beginning of lectures, in the language spoken in the host country. Information on these is available from the International Relations Offices at the respective host institutions.

Nominated Erasmus students may after taking an online language test (OLS) in the teaching language also register for a free online language course in the teaching or national language.

Intercultural Preparation

At Heidelberg University, you have the opportunity to familiarise yourself with the culture of the host country in advance of your stay abroad.