
4EU+ Annual Meeting 2021Programme

Heidelberg, 3–5 November

The 4EU+ Annual Meeting takes place at:
Heidelberg University
New University
Universitätsplatz 1
69117 Heidelberg

3 November


Arrival, Hotel Check-in 
Opening of the Registration
Foyer, New University (ground floor)
Welcome Reception
Foyer, New University (ground floor)

4 November


Welcome Address
by Rector Bernhard Eitel, Heidelberg University
and 4EU+ Secretary General Isabelle Kratz
Great Hall, New University (first floor)
Enlarged Governing Board
Rectors, Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents, and heads of the local 4EU+ Offices
Great Hall, New University (first floor)
4EU+ Flagship Programme Committees 
Flagship 1:
Health and demographic change in an urban environment
Lecture Hall UGX60 (basement floor)
Flagship 2:
Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages
Lecture Hall UGX61 (basement floor)
Flagship 3:
Transforming science and society by advancing information, computation and communication
Lecture Hall 02 (ground floor)
Flagship 4:
Biodiversity and sustainable development
Lecture Hall 03 (ground floor)
4EU+ Working Groups and Work Packages
Working Groups
Working Group Mobility
Former Senate's Hall, New University (second floor)
Working Group Communication
Lecture Hall 12a (second floor)
Work Packages
Work Package 2 and Work Package 3
Lecture Hall 12 (first floor)
Work Package 5, Task 3
Work Package 6
Information on the date and venue of the meeting is provided individually by the Work Packages.
Student Committee
Lecture Hall 05 (first floor)
Coffee Break
Foyer, New University 
Plenary Part I
Reports from Student Committee, Flagship Programme Committees, and Educational Projects
Great Hall, New University (first floor)
Foyer, New University (ground floor)
Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents Education
Former Senate’s Hall, New University (second floor)
Think Tanks

Think tank 1:
How can 4EU+ set an agenda for European Research?

Lecture Hall 02 (ground floor)
Think tank 2:
How can we achieve educational innovation via technological and pedagogical research, development and implementation?
Lecture Hall 03 (ground floor)
Think tank 3:
Just wishful thinking? How can virtual mobility in higher education become a meaningful European experience?
Lecture Hall 04 (ground floor)
Think tank 4:
What are expectations and how does 4EU+ with a joint community reshape the understanding of a university culture for students, researchers and staff?
Lecture Hall 12 (first floor)
Think tank 5:
The learning journey continued. How do we ensure that the European knowledge community continuously renews itself to address the global challenges of the future?
Lecture Hall 12a (second floor)
Spare Time
General Assembly
  • Welcome by Rector Bernhard Eitel
  • Greetings by Director-General Themis Christophidou, Directorate General “Education, Youth, Sport and Culture” of the European Commission
  • Greetings by Minister Theresia Bauer, Ministry of Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg
  • Keynote speech by President Joybrato Mukherjee, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Great Hall, New University (first floor)
The General Assembly will be transmitted via livestream.
Reception by the City of Heidelberg
City Hall, Marktplatz 10
Palais Prinz-Carl, Kornmarkt 1

5 November


Parallel Sessions

Academic Council with Governing Board, Secretary General, Management Committee, Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents, and Heads of Local 4EU+ Offices

Great Hall, New University (first floor)
Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents Research
Former Senate's Hall, New University (second floor)
European University Project Coordination Committee (EUPCC)
Room: Lecture Hall 12 (first floor)
Steering Committee TRAIN4EU+
Information on the meeting is provided individually by the group.
Student Committee
Lecture Hall 05 (first floor)
Facultative Social Programme
Tour 1
Guided city tour through Heidelberg old town and university campus (approx. 90 minutes)
Meeting point at Old University entrance
Tour 2
Relaxed morning walk across the Neckar river to the Philosophers’ Walk with a great view of Heidelberg Castle and back to the city centre (approx. 60 minutes
Meeting point at New University entrance
Coffee Break
Plenary Part II
  • Intervention from the think tanks
  • Discussion
Great Hall, New University (first floor)
Lunch and Farewell
Foyer, New University (ground floor)