Transfer Political Consulting
For a comprehensive university, the application of expert knowledge in political decision-making represents both a major challenge and a responsibility. In this context, university scientists offer excellent political consulting support at the national and international level.
Political consulting at Heidelberg University is aimed at preparing science-based findings such that their potential can be fully realised in politics and society. The target audience includes political-administrative organisations (e.g. ministries) and their members (e.g. officials). Political consulting services can include impact assessments, decision evaluations, and professional support during implementation of measures.
Over the years, Ruperto Carola scientists have provided a range of political consulting services on subjects of concern to society. Of particular note are recommendations on the ethical and legal aspects of the total sequencing of the human genome (EURAT Project 2016) and expert consulting by Heidelberg gerontologists on the political consequences of demographic change in an aging population. Ruperto Carola gerontologists also completed a comprehensive study on the lives of thalidomide victims, the results of which were the basis for a law adopted in the Bundestag. For many years, public health scientists have been active at the intersection of research and political consulting, among other things conducting studies in African countries whose results were used in local political decision-making processes. University jurists offer political consulting services on such topics as international law and tax law.