Researching and Working in Heidelberg IDs and Accounts


Visiting Scholar Card

Any visiting scholar who is teaching or doing research here without an employment contract with the University can apply for the Visiting Scholar Card. The card confirms the holder’s membership at the University and can be used to apply for a University library card, a CampusCard or a pass for the University sports centre.


International scholars with a valid Visiting Scholar Card can obtain a CampusCard. The CampusCard is a rechargeable chip card for cashless payment which allows to eat and drink at any of the cafeterias (Mensen) and cafés run by the Studierendenwerk Heidelberg (student services organisation) at staff prices. It is also used at copy machines, the University Computer Centre (URZ), the University Library, the University sports office and the Language Centre (ZSL). The CampusCard can be obtained at the InfoCenter in the Triplex Mensa (cafeteria at University square) or in the Zentralmensa (INF 304). A Visiting Scholar Card  or a work contract is needed for confirmation. A five Euro deposit needs to be paid.

Library Card

The University of Heidelberg has one main University library and numerous smaller libraries that belong to the institutes and specialize in literature related to the appropriate subjects. It is possible to access the University catalogue (HEIDI) via the University library web site. The catalogue also contains the library holdings of most of the institute libraries. International scholars can obtain a library card at the University library. The staff will create a borrowing account using a user number and the appropriate personal information. The library card can be obtained at the lending desk. Please note: Generally it is only possible to take home books from the library if staying in Heidelberg for three months or longer.

Computing Centre UserID

International scholars have free access to the internet everywhere on campus (WiFi and LAN). Furthermore it is possible to use Microsoft and UNIX computers at the University computing centre (URZ) located at In Neuenheimer Feld 293. The user ID needed to access the services of the computing centre is called "Projektnummer". The relevant application form needs to be signed by the "EDV-Beauftragte", that is the staff member at the host institute who is responsible for the computer system. One or two days after submitting the application the ID will be sent to the institute address by regular mail. The ID must be activated subsequently.

Staff Sports Pass

International scholars can take part in the University sports programme. In order to do so you will need a staff sports pass with a picture. It is necessary to apply for it in person at the University sports office (Address: Im Neuenheimer Feld 700) by showing your international scholar card or your employment contract with the University and by paying an administration fee of 5.- € . You can find the current sports programme on the University sports office homepage. Courses specially offered for staff, scholars and professors are listed under the heading "Mitarbeitersport".  With e few exceptions the university sports courses generally do not require a registration in advance and are free of charge.