University Equal Opportunities and Diversity

Semper apertus – always open, that is the traditional motto of Heidelberg University. It is a commitment to the principle of diversity and to equal opportunities for its members, regardless of sex, age, religion or origin. Heidelberg University stands for equal opportunities and the compatibility of professional work and family life.

Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities Commissioner

The Equal Opportunities Commissioner for academic staff and students is elected by the University Senate every two years. She is responsible for academic matters, appointment procedures and staff selection, committee work in administrative bodies and the Senate. In this she is supported by the Equal Opportunities Commissioners of the faculties, who represent her in the faculty councils and commissions.

Equal Opportunities Office

The Equal Opportunities Office is the central institution for all matters concerning equal opportunities, individual support and compatibility of studies, research, teaching and family life. The tasks involved range from the elaboration of the Gender Action Plan for the university and the Excellence Initiative to the implementation of measures.

Equal Opportunities Commissioner for administrative, laboratory and technical staff

The Equal Opportunities Commissioner for ad­min­is­tra­tive, laboratory and technical staff looks after the concerns of administrative employees, lab technicians and engineering workers. She can be consulted on matters related to the compatibility of work and family life and in connection with conflicts at the workplace. The range of her activities encompasses both cooperation for the improvement of equal opportunities parameters and individual counselling.


Equal Opportunities Office

The Equal Opportunities Office advises university facilities and institutes, and supports them in implementing measures to provide equal opportunities. The Equal Opportunities Office likewise assists individuals with questions of professional development and gives advice on how to handle difficult life situations, as well as on legal and social questions.