
Marsilius Kolleg Summer School: Body – Mind – Culture

Press Release No. 57/2012
5 March 2012
Application deadline for young academics on 16 April 2012

Evolution theory as a foundation for anthropology is the subject of this year’s Marsilius Summer School, taking place in July 2012 at Heidelberg University. The workshop is organised by the Marsilius Kolleg, the University’s interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Study. In exchanges with experts from Germany and abroad, junior researchers and doctoral students will be given the opportunity to learn more about research approaches and topical research issues and to discuss these in work groups. In addition, participants can present their own research projects. The full title of the summer school is “New Interdisciplinary Anthropology: Body – Mind – Culture”. Young researchers from the sciences and the humanities may apply until 16 April 2012.

The school will take place at Heidelberg University’s ”Internationales Wissenschaftsforum” from 22 to 29 July 2012. Participants will discuss what position humans occupy in nature, how we can imagine the embodiment of the mind and how culture and embodiment can be understood in their relationship to one another. The speakers come from Heidelberg University and other universities in Germany and the USA. The summer school is supported by BASF SE.

For more information on application procedures, go to The number of participants is limited to 30.

Tobias Just
Marsilius Kolleg
phone: +49 6221 543980

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