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Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren

Alfred-Weber-Institute for Economics
University of Heidelberg

Bergheimer Straße 58
69115  Heidelberg


Room no. 01.004

Telefon: 06221 54-2953
Fax:        06221 54-3592
Social Media:
Twitter:   @CSchwieren
Prof. Dr. Christiane Schwieren


Office hours:

Thursday 12:00 h

Due to the current situation the office hour will take place via virtual meetings.

For appointment please contact:

In the News

Karriere: Teamarbeiter sind schlecht bezahlt, aber glücklich (Wirtschaftswoche)



New Publications:

  • Schmidt, Robert, Christiane Schwieren, Martin Vollmann (2020): The value of verbal feedback in allocation decisions, in Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 87, August 2020, 101548

  • Jeung, Haang, Martin Vollmann, Sabine C Herpertz, Christiane Schwieren (2020): Consider others better than yourself: Social decision-making and partner preference in Borderline Personality Disorder, in Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Volume 67, June 2020, 101436

  • Goeschl, Timo, Sara E Kettner, Johannes Lohse, Christiane Schwieren (2020): How much can we learn about voluntary climate action from behavior in public goods games, in Ecological Economics, Volume 171, May 2020, 106591

  • Schmidt, Robert, Christiane Schwieren, Alec N Sproten (2020): Norms in the lab: Inexperienced versus experienced participants, in Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, May 2020, Pages 239-255

  • Klonner, Stefan, Sumantra Pal, Christiane Schwieren (2020) : Equality of the Sexes and Gender Differences in Competition: Evidence from Three Traditional Societies, Heidelberg University, Department of Economics Discussion Paper No.675, February 2020
    Also featured on Ideas for India

Research Interests
  • Behavioral and Experimental Economics; Neuroeconomics
  • Age differences in economic decision making (FRONTIER Project)
  • Economic decision making under stress (DFG-Project)
  • Climate change management in an aging society (BMBF-Project)
  • Personality and behavior in economic games
  • Discrimination
  • Incentive schemes
  • Framing
  • Self-Regulation
  • Mental Health
  • Uncertainty
  • Cooperation & Stress in Firms (DFG Project)

Curriculum Vitae (English)CV

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Letzte Änderung: 08.05.2023
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