Star Clusters: Dynamics and Observations

This is an international scientific workshop to bring together people working in and around the SFB881 on old and dense star clusters or on star clusters surrounding the Milky Way and in the Local Group (globular clusters, mass loss/tidal fields, multiple populations, black holes, pulsars, CVs, exotic objects, intermediate mass black holes). The link between globular star clusters and stellar populations/chemodynamics of the Galactic Halo, the transition from massive star clusters to dwarf galaxies, and the interrelation between star clusters and the Galactic Centre are as well topics of the meeting, including the dynamics of massive black holes and their interaction with dense star clusters, as well as intermediate mass black holes in Local Group star clusters, in theory and observation. The workshop includes several visitors from the Silk Road Project, led by the P.I. Rainer Spurzem also in China; this collaboration is also partly funded by the excellence scheme of the University of Heidelberg in the Global Networks project (P.I.s R. Spurzem and A. Just, both ARI-ZAH). The interaction between theorists, observers, and computing scientists should be strongly encouraged. All members of the SFB and interested external scientists are invited. The workshop is mostly composed of participants which are also speakers, plus some further attendants. Young scientists (doctoral students and young postdocs) are particularly encouraged also to talk about work in progress.
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Prof. Dr. Rainer Spurzem
Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Zentrum für Astronomie (ARI-ZAH),
Mönchhofstr. 12-14, 69120 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 541830

Martina Buchhaupt
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 541826

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